"Messed up kid that I was, I never would have dreamed of the life I've had."

Kaiden Alenko.

All gifs on this page are recorded and made by me~

Major Kaidan Alenko is one of your crewmates and party members in the Mass Effect Trilogy.

A lot of people call Kaiden boring, but I think people just don't want to bother getting to know him. I think he's fun and goofy and it's always funny to see his reaction to things. He's quite a fun character and I love him to bits.

wip wip wip

"But sometimes the way things go down does matter, Shepard. Later, when you have to live with yourself. Knowing that you acted with integrity- then it matters."

(a little ramble here but-) One thing that I really like about Kaiden is how in the first game he worries a lot about the chain of command if you try to romance him. It's something that I was always interested in while I was watching Star Trek: Voyager.
TLDR: in Voyager, a entire ship with it's crew get lost in space, and it will take them almost a lifetime to return to Earth. There are quite a few episodes where the Captian, Kathryn Janeway, comes to terms with the fact she might never see her husband ever again and that she should move on. However, becuase she is the captian, she refuses to muddy the chain of command and eventually resorts to having to have romances on the holodeck with artificial men (basically a VR, artificial room.).
In Mass Effect Kaidan doesn't like the idea of making Shepard's job (and his own) more difficult by dating is something I wish had had a little more depth added to it before the end of the game as I feel that got brushed under the rug quite quickly as soon as you lock in his romance.

"Mom was right! I should've brought a sweater."