
TV/Film Info

Will add this soon!

My favorite TV Shows:

My favorite Films: (it's a weird list I know lmao)

Click the cover images on the left to see the info on the shows and films I have watched! This won't be all the shows I have watched, only ones that I have finished since July 2024 (or ones that I really love and felt like adding here.)

Note that not all the shows have info on them yet, I will be adding that soon, all of this is still under construction.

I have noticed that I have been consuming a little too blindly lately. Jumping from one piece of media to another and never really giving myself time to just sit with and reflect of the media I am consuming. So, to counter this, (once I get this page all set up the way I want it) I will be trying to write a detailed review and reflection on each piece of media I conssume. I am doing this to help improve my reflection skills as well as to improve my ability to think deeper about the things that I spend my time doing. I hope to begin implementing this in all aspects of my life, but I am beginning here to kick it off a bit slower.