Gaming Info

The first game I ever remember playing was Morrowind.(the theme still gives me chills.) My dad was playing it and I wanted to have a go, so he let me try it out! I remember being terrified of everything, especially those weird creatures that you could use to travel around on with the really long legs! I had nightmares of those.

My father then also introduced me to Dungeons and Dragons Online, which became another obsession of mine for a long time. It was my first MMO and I still play it occasionally to this day. I really love the atmosphere of it.

I forget when, but I also played "The Book of Pooh A Story without a Tail" a lot! I love winnie the pooh and this whole game was just lovely. All the sound effects are etched into my brain so I must have played it a lot.

I then moved on to the PS2 and for some reason Shrek became my favorite game. My dad would play it with me and we could never get past a certian level, but it was really fun! I was so upset when the PS2 broke and we had to get rid of all the games. I was so obsessed I brought the Shrek game to kindergarten for show and tell.

But that was when I got a Nintendo DS Lite! My parents bought us each one so that we would stop whinging and fighting on our 6+ hour car trips we took once or twice a year. I loved playing on that so much. I had (and still have) the red Mario themed one. I had two games on that I really loved playing, Sim Animals and Dragon Quest, which was my first JRPG (I forget which one it was though). I was obsessed with my DS for a very long time. I remember exchanging the beloved shrek game in at EB Games in order to get Littlest Pet Shop for the DS at some point. Rest in peace Shrek. Littlest Pet Shop was super fun when I was a kid. I've been meaning to re-visit it sometime and see if it was as good as I remember it being. (it probably wont be lmao)

I can't remember if this was before or after the DS, but for Christmas one year we got a black Wii. We had wanted one for ages and us getting to play mario kart together on christmas day is a lovely memory I love looking back on. Mario Kart and Wii sports resort were our only games for a long while, which was more than enough to keep us entertained. We got a few other games like the club penguin sports one.

Then I had my Plants VS Zombies phase. I tried to make my own little custom book with all the plant and zombie types by folding and stapling paper together at one point.

I then had a small obsessiosn with the Sims 3. I begged my dad to pre-order the island paradise expansion and when I got it I played it non-stop. I was obsessed with making my own resort and I put out a million buffet tables bc for some reason I was obsessed with making a GIANT buffet.

Around 2011/2012 I also was super into Minecraft during my primary school years and got into watching the Yogscast a lot, I still watch their Christmas streams every year. I had this world that I really loved and would always build things on it after school. I remember I was friends with some girl and I invited her to play on the server with me and she griefed my server while I was AFK. Very sadge. Definately not my friend after that.

During this time I was also really into Valve games like Portal 2 and Lef 4 Dead, and even sometimes TF2. I spent a lot of time playing these games with friends from school, or even using the online features to meet new online friends. I remember meeting two internet friends on Portal 2, one of which I ended up meeting in real life once once our parents agreed.

I stopped gaming a lot in 2013 when I entered my weeb phase, really only played minecraft during that time or things like Danganronpa and Clannad. This lasted a few years until around 2016/2017 when I got a bit bored of anime.

In 2019 I got a PS4 and finally got to play Read Dead Redemption 2 and Detroit: Become human, which were the main reason I bought the PS4. I then decided to get The Last Of Us Remaster as I never got to play it but I knew it was popular. I ended up loving it.

Then just before COVID was getting crazy I decided to buy a Switch so I could play Animal Crossing during the lockdowns. I also bought Splatoon 2 and had a blast with that. I want to get into playing Splatoon again but at the moment I don't want to support Nintendo financially so I probably won't be doing that anytime soon sadly.

Nowadays I am mainly a PC gamer purely becuase it's more conveniant and usually cheaper for me. The main downside is waiting for console exclusives to come to PC T-T

My favorite games are usually games with long in-depth stories with cutscenes at the moment.

Click the game cover images on the left to see the info on the games I have played! This won't be all the games I have played, only ones that I have finished since July 2024 (or games that I really love and felt like adding here.)

I have noticed that I have been consuming a little too blindly lately. Jumping from one piece of media to another and never really giving myself time to just sit with and reflect of the media I am consuming. So, to counter this, (once I get this page all set up the way I want it) I will be trying to write a detailed review and reflection on each piece of media I conssume. I am doing this to help improve my reflection skills as well as to improve my ability to think deeper about the things that I spend my time doing. I hope to begin implementing this in all aspects of my life, but I am beginning here to kick it off a bit slower.

All images from the games are my own screenshots unless stated otherwise, and most pages have autoplay music, so just be aware of that! If you don't like the music you can always right click on the tab to mute it.