"We're more ghosts than people."

Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of my favorite games ever. It's story and characters are great. Arthur Morgan is such a compelling character they did such a good job writing him. Without spoiling too much, he's a man who does terrible things, who hates and is quite mean to himself, who (depending on how you play him) ends up saving and helping a lot of people. His entire character arc was amazing and I am a sucker for well-written characters.

What I love most about it is the atmosphere and attention to detail it has. I love booting up RDR2 after a stressful day and just walking around and exploring, fishing, doing side quests and just relaxing. Just riding around is really meditative.

Everything about it's atmosphere is just amazing. The music definately makes it feel so alive.

Will write more here soon, this is just a test page at the moment.

Will write more here soon, this is just a test page at the moment.

Will write more here soon, this is just a test page at the moment.

Me and my dad play RDO ^v