"Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if honor matters."

Mass Effect is probably my favorite game ever. The way I like to describe it to people is: "It's like Star Trek, but if humans weren't the center of the universe.". It's all about exploring space and saving the galaxy, but also about gaining the universes' trust. It's a game that I hold very dearly to my heart.

I will have so much more about Mass Effect on my shrines page and ramble on about why I love it so much there, but a little TLDR is this:

One thing that that I absoloutely love about it is how much in depth lore there is. There are so many different alien races, each with extremely will thought out lore, more than you'd ever need to enjoy the main story even. Aliens play a much larger role in the universe than 'just something for humans to discover' or 'something for humanity to fear' like in a lot of sci-fi stories.

That was one issue I have always had with Sci-fi. It's always very human-centric and everything revolves around them, but in Mass Effect humans are just starting to gain the trust of the galaxy and it's races. Every race is already stronger than humanity. Humanity has to prove itself to the rest of the universe rather than already comming from a place of power and privilege, they must prove they are worthy of having a higher place in the galaxy's political sphere.

Of course, it still harbours a lot of 'human exceptionalism' at times, but it's far ahead of most sci-fi media I have engaged with, and that's why I love it so much.

Everything about it's atmosphere is just amazing. The music definately makes it feel so alive. I often have the soundtrack playing in the background while I'm working as I find a lot of the ambiant tracks so good!

My favorite thing about it is the characters and your crew and the way you can intereact with them throughout the game. All the relationships with your crew feel really authentic and well written.

My favorite characters are: Kaidan Alenko, Female Shepard, Grunt, Garrus, Thane, Samara and Tali. I have a few pieces of merch, which I will be posting about on my shrine page once it's done.

Will write more here soon, this is just a test page at the moment.