Today has been a full-on emotional rollercoaster. I woke up to see that Sherpa had passed away and spent a good amount of time crying. I was devastated, I can't imagine how Jamie feels. Watching that video was gut wrenching. He was such a sweet dog, Jamie is such a lovely man.
I couldn't get it out of my head at all. So I decided to take today a little easier and just take some me time, take my dog for a walk and a wonder and appreciate the fact that I'm so lucky to have her here still.
In the afternoon I then finally got a call about some editing work for next month and I was so happy about it I was almost jumping up and down!!! It's been so long since I've had some solid, well-paid, work and I'm so excited about it!!
The only work I've had lately is editing YouTube videos for one client (who never tells me what they want and just expects me to know what they want, they never give be a brief or run down. No shade to them at all they're a very nice person, but it's very hard to work with them.) but now I get to go out to an actual editing studio and do some work with other human beings, under a director who can give me proper guidance and a proper project brief. I love working on-site somewhere, it's so much better than being stuck in my own house all the time. Finally something good has happened!!
I then had to drive, which I hate (driving stresses me out so much), but I did it! I'm proud of myself for doing that today, even when I hadn't planed on it. Usually I really struggle with schedule changes, but I just got it done, which was nice.
I've been getting really terrible sleep lately becuase I keep thinking about things I can add to this site. I'm trying to sleep and then I will somehow find myself down a weird rabbithole of ideas and things to do and add lmao
I've also been thinking a lot about what other things I could add to my site to make it more... 'me' I guess. I want to work on some shrines and have a few ideas. I just need to find some time to sit down and code them! I've found some really cool Star Trek shrines here on Neocities and I am really inspired to create one of my own!
I'm also trying to figure out how I can make a navigation bar for my blog/journal posts here, I don't just want to have a bunch of dates along the side, idk what to do though just yet T-T