So for the past week, each day has been more and more tiring and I've been feeling myself getting more and more burned out as the week progressed, until I got to Friday. I was so burned out on Friday that I had decision paralysis and couldn't decide what to work on or even really feed myself becuase I couldn't figure out what would be the most productive thing to do at any given point in the day. I realized this was pretty bad, so on Saturday I decided to not work at all and have an actual weekend for myself for once. It's silly, but it's been so long since I've given myself a break lately and I think I really needed it.
I spent pretty much all of Saturday playing Elden Ring, which is not the most 'relaxing' game I know but, it was really nice to just get to do something without having to worry about how productive I'm being or how much work I'm getting done. I just got to sit down and do something fun for once and focus on just treating myself to a weekend off. I'll make a post in the games log on my site about Elden Ring later on!~
Elden Ring is so much more fun to me now than it was when it first came out. Back then I only played like 15 hours of it and then didn't come back because I got too frusterated with it, but this time around I think I've found a build that works much better for me. So now it doesn't feel like a chore to play. I managed to defeat both Margit and Godrick within 7-8 hours of playing it and I never got so annoyed that I had to put the game away for a bit. Maybe I'm cheesing it a bit too much with magic now but at least I'm having fun hahaha
On the Sunday I also went to the beach with my father
and we took my dog. It was nice to just get out of the house for an hour, away from this screen
for once. I usually hate going to the beach because there's so much clean up afterwards and I
hate the feeling of sand between my toes after we leave the beach, but I actually had a lot of
fun this time around. Here are some photos, it was the afternoon so the lighting was beautiful!
Now that It's Monday again thought I feel all that burnout returning and I really don't know what to do about it. I am exhausted honestly. I feel a bit defeated at the moment. I tried to take it easier today and only work half the day, then take a longer break and just play Elden Ring again like I did on the weekend but now it feels like I'm just wasting time. Also went out today to get ice cream but that didn't seem to help either as as soon as I sat back in this chair I felt like shit again. Idk what to do T-T
Managing burnout is so hard.
I'm so tired.